4/19/22 Update

Free Comic Book Day News and More.

Five years ago Ben Miller created a comic titled Judges. This comic followed a group of armed forces to hunt down all the evil people in the world, who were demons in disguise. The mini series would spread across a few years and was collected in trade paper back format. After that Judges would then join Humalien and The Epic Misadventures of Deathbag as the original three titles for Guerrilla Publishing. Now on May 7, 2022 the creator of Judges will have a very special Free Comic Book Day in store appearance at Happy Day Comics in Hammond,IN. It will be Guerrilla Publishing’s first time ever doing an event at this location and were excited to be there.

Also we will be doing a Free Comic Day exclusive drop on May 7, 2022. More on that to come.

However, the fun doesn’t stop there we will have more location and creator announcements for Free Comic Book Day coming up. We will however announce this, if you are an indie comic fan and looking for something new and you live in Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan you’re in luck.

Our next Kickstarter project Motor City Mo episode 4, will launch on Friday April 22, 2022. Motor City Mo has made his decision. For over a decade he has been Dollar Don's thumb breaker; his enforcer, his confidant. Ever since they first met in a dingy locker room back when Mo still had dreams of being a pro boxer. But Mo is on a new path now, one he didn't think possible-one that leads him away from the booze, the violence, and the misery that's consumed him for years. A path that takes him far away from Dollar Don. A path with the woman he loves. All he has to do is get in the car and go. Make sure to mark your calendars and make sure to back the fourth installment in the Motor City Mo series.